Swallowing Stones– Book Review

It’s the 4th of July and that means that it’s also Michaels birthday.  He receives a Winchester rifle from his grandfather.  He goes off into the woods with a couple of friends.  He doesn’t realize that the gun is loaded and he clicks the trigger.  The next day he hears a report on the news that someone was shot and killed by a random bullet.  He will find out if he made the worst decision in his life or if nothing happened to his life.

          I read the book Swallowing Stones and it was a really good book.  There wasn’t a moment that wasn’t filled with excitement.  Everytime we stopped reading it in class it was like a cliff-hanger.  The part I like the most about the book is whenever Michael wrecks into Amy’s car and Joe gets all mad and breaks Amy’s windshield.  If I were to rate the from 0-10 I would probably give it a 8.  The reason is that there wasn’t any parts that didn’t make any sense.  Also the ending was really good at making want to know what happened but as the reader’s point of view this is one of the worst endings ever.  

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