Current Event Assignment

The topic of my article is over Ammon Bundy and his crew taking over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon. The title of my article is: “Oregon takeover breaks the law: Our view.” I got this article from:

The problem with Bundy’s patriotic sounding claim the Constitution stands for the rule of law — which Bundy and his crew are breaking. The crew doesn’t have a right to force something by using guns or by putting people in a dangerous situation. This is the second time in 2 years that Bundy and his crew have incited protest at gunpoint.

I don’t agree with the way that Bundy and his crew are protesting. I believe that they have the right to protest, but not by putting people at gunpoint and threatening to hurt people. Also I don’t think Bundy should be doing this, because he owes over 1 million dollars just for his grazing feeds for his ranch. He hasn’t paid his fees in over 2 decades. That’s why I don’t agree they should be protesting with a such forceful approach.

This impacts the world greatly. By just normal everyday people doing this type of thing can start revolts all across the world. All of that can happen just because some rancher decides he’s in such a big mess with fees, that he tries to hide it by creating an even larger scene. I believe that it’s not just Bundy who will take all of the blame, but he is just the main person behind this. That’s why I hope that Oregon gets this issue under control pretty soon, or else this could get bad.

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