Current Event Assignment

My article is about if Ted Cruz wants to win Iowa’s vote, he has to find a solution to solve iowa’s methanol problem. The title of the article is “Could ethanol cost Iowa its kickoff caucus? – Column”. I got this article from:

If Ted Cruz is planning on winning Iowa’s vote, he will need a good solution that will help save Iowa’s kickoff caucus. Recently Iowa has been having too much ethanol emissions from vehicles and gases. If Ted Cruz can come up with a good solution he could very well win Iowa’s vote for the presidential election.

This affects me because this is a state that can help Cruz come closer to becoming president. In my opinion Cruz would be a better option for president than Donald Trump. The reason is that ever since the presidential runs have started to begin Trump has made several rude comments about other people and countries. It would not be good if our president talked his way into world war three just because he couldn’t keep his opinions to himself. I believe that Iowa is going to pick whoever they believe has the best solution, and also whoever is the best fit for president.

This doesn’t have a big impact on the world yet. But if we don’t make sure that the president we pick is a good one, then the world could be in some trouble. Although there are many bad options at the president position, there are also many good options at president. So if we decide to elect a good president for office, then we might be able to keep peace throughout the world for a little bit. That’s why it’s so important that we pick a president that will make good decisions, and also help solve the problems in our country.

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