The topic of my article is about the workers for Super Bowl 50 aren’t happy about their pay and treatment. The title of this article is “For Stadium Workers, Super Bowl Is Not So Super”. I got this article from:

Just recently Super Bowl 50 was held in San Francisco, California. The workers for the concession stands, and the clean up crew, had a very busy night that night, and they were working more than state laws allowed without a ten minute break. Also, one man named Gabriel Thompson, wrote this article to bring recognition to how little they workers get paid during these big games. He says that he only gets paid $12.25 and hour while he has to work in the concession stand, while the biggest game of the year is on.

This isn’t a reason to complain about not getting paid enough though. If the people who work during the big game, went to college and got a halfway decent job, they would be making at least 10 times as much money as they make right now. I understand that they might not have had enough money to go to college, but if they would’ve saved their money starting whenever they could get a job, and maybe even studied harder in school, they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in now. They could probably already have graduated college, and made more money than have made their whole life in just 1-2 years. I understand some of the workers may not have had the opportunity to get a better job, or weren’t able to study as much due to their home life, but some of the workers just never tried to find a better job, but they are ok with living life just barely making enough money to survive.

This affects the world, because there are people all across the world who don’t have a good job. This makes the unemployment rates go up because if all of the bad jobs, that everybody wants because they don’t want to have to work hard get filled up, then there will be tons of people unemployed, and living with their parents, or even living on the streets. Some people in other continents would love to have a minimum wage job, but their government won’t set a minimum wage, so they can have sweatshops,so they can’t even if they tried couldn’t get a better job. So in the end, the workers who work in the concession stands, can either work harder to get a better job, or not complain about what they have. I understand that they may not have the best job in the world, but maybe if they would’ve worked a little bit harder, or not dropped out of school, maybe they could have a better job.

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